Article 33 Importation of goods 1. The customs authorities shall inform the importer or, in the situations covered by Article 32, the indirect customs representative of the reporting obligation referred to in Article 35 no later than at the moment of the release of goods for free circulation. 2. The customs authorities shall periodically and automatically, in particular by means of the surveillance mechanism established pursuant to Article 56(5) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 or by electronic means of data transmission, communicate to the Commission information on imported goods, including processed products resulting from the outward processing procedure. Such information shall include the EORI number of the customs declarant and of the importer, the eight-digit CN code, the quantity, the country of origin, the date of the customs declaration and the customs procedure. 3. The Commission shall communicate the information referred to in paragraph 2 to the competent authorities of the Member States where the customs declarant and, where applicable, the importer are established. FACTORS ON THE BASIS OF WHICH IMPORT OR EXPORT DUTY AND OTHER MEASURES IN RESPECT OF TRADE IN GOODS ARE APPLIED CHAPTER 1 Common Customs Tariff and tariff classification of goods Article 56 Common Customs Tariff and surveillance 1. Import and export duty due shall be based on the Common Customs Tariff. Other measures prescribed by Union provisions governing specific fields relating to trade in goods shall, where appropriate, be applied in accordance with the tariff classification of those goods. 2. The Common Customs Tariff shall comprise all of the following:
3. Where the goods concerned fulfil the conditions included in the measures laid down in points (d) to (g) of paragraph 2, the measures referred to in those provisions shall apply, upon application by the declarant, instead of those provided for in point (c) of that paragraph. Such application may be made retrospectively, provided that the time-limits and conditions laid down in the relevant measure or in the Code are complied with. 4. Where application of the measures referred to in points (d) to (g) of paragraph 2, or the exemption from measures referred to in point (h) thereof, is restricted to a certain volume of imports or exports, such application or exemption shall, in the case of tariff quotas, cease as soon as the specified volume of imports or exports is reached. In the case of tariff ceilings such application shall cease by virtue of a legal act of the Union. 5. The release for free circulation or the export of goods, to which the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 apply, may be made subject to surveillance. |