1 UKCA及UKNI標誌 與我聯繫

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  1. 產品標示UKCA
  2. 宣告書與技術文件要符合UKCA標示與法令標準要求
  3. When to use the UKCA marking:使用時機
    You only need to use the new UKCA marking before 1 January 2023 if all of the following apply. Your product(符合下列全部要求產品2023年1月1日以前,得准於使用UKCA標誌):
    • is for the market in Great Britain
    • is covered by legislation which requires the UKCA marking法令要求須標示UKCA產品
    • requires mandatory third-party conformity assessment強制要求第三公正單位認可產品
    • conformity assessment has been carried out by a UK conformity assessment body已被UK CAB認可產品

    This does not apply to existing stock, for example if your good was fully manufactured, CE marked and ready to place on the market before 1 January 2021. In these cases, your good can still be sold in Great Britain with a CE marking even if covered by a certificate of conformity issued by a UK body before 1 January 2021. These goods will need to be placed on the market before 1 January 2023.

    For goods placed on the market from 1 January 2023, the government will introduce legislation so that the UKCAmarking can be placed on a label affixed to the product or on a document accompanying the product until 31 December 2025. This will apply for most goods requiring UKCA marking. There will be different rules for:2023年1月1日起英國政府允用UKCA標誌,標貼於產品及標示於該產品附隨的文件上,直到31 December 2025止,本項規定,不適用於下列產品:

    • medical devices
    • construction products
    • cableways
    • unmanned aircraft systems
    • marine equipment
    • transportable pressure equipment
    • rail products


  1. 標示UKNI
  2. 宣告書與技術文件要符合UKCI標示與法令標準要求
  3. If you are using a UK body to carry out mandatory third-party conformity assessment, then you also need to apply a UKNI marking (sometimes referred to as the UK(NI) mark or the UK(NI) indication).由UK公證單位認可強制性產品,賣到北愛爾蘭必須標示UKNI

    You never apply the UKNI marking on its own - it always accompanies an EU conformity marking, such as the CE marking. Goods with both the CE and UKNI marking cannot be placed on the market in the EU.UKNI標誌可與CE標誌合併使用標示於銷售於北愛爾蘭的產品上,但是賣到歐盟產品僅可標示CE,不可NKNI與CE雙標合併使用

    The UKCA marking cannot be used for goods placed on the Northern Ireland market. 標示UKCA產品不得於北愛爾蘭販售

    When to use the UKNI marking alongside the CE marking同時使用UKNI與CE標誌時機

    You need to use the UKNI marking (alongside the CE marking) if all of the following apply:符合下列全數要求者,可以標示UKNI

    • you are placing certain goods (mostly those goods subject to the CE marking) on the Northern Ireland market產品販售至北愛爾蘭
    • your goods require mandatory third-party conformity assessment必須經第三公正單位認可產品
    • you are planning to use a UK body to carry out those conformity assessments打算經由UK第三公正單位認可產品

    You cannot use the UKNI marking if either of the following apply:下列產品不可標示UKNI

    • you are placing goods on the market in the EU銷售至歐盟產品
    • you are planning to use an EU body to carry out mandatory third-party conformity assessments引用歐盟第三驗證單位認可產品