指令名稱 (英文/中文) (1Notified Body) 主要指令編號
Simple Pressure-vessels 簡單壓力容器指令 87/404/EEC
Lift and Elavator Directive 95/16/EC
Toys 玩具指令 2009/48/EC
Construction Products 建築產品 89/106/EEC
Electromagnetic Compatibility 電磁相容指令 2004/108/EC改2014/30/EU
Machines機械指令 98/37/EC改2006/42/EC
Personal Protective Equipment 個人防護設備指令 (護膝) 89/686/EEC
決定型式驗證模式指令(index II) DECISIONNo768/2008/EC
various phases of the conformity assessment procedures 93/465/EEC
organisation and operation of accreditation of conformity assessment bodies performing conformity assessment activities Regulation (EC) No 765/2008
Non-automatic Weighing Machines 非自動稱量儀器指令 90/384/EEC
Active Implantable Medical Devices 可移植醫療器材指令 90/385/EEC
Medical Devices醫療器材指令 93/42/EEC
Gas Appliances 燃氣器具指令 90/396/EEC
Telecommunications Terminal Equipement 電信終端設備指令 91/263/EEC
Boilers 鍋爐指令 92/42/EEC
Civic Explosives爆破器材指令 93/15/EEC
Low Voltage Electrical Products 低電壓指令 73/23/EEC改2014/35/EU
Satellite Earth Station for Telecommunications 通訊衛星地面站指令 93/97/EEC
Lifts升降設備 95/16/EC
Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres 用於爆炸性氣體設備指令 94/09/EC
Recreational Craft (Boats) 娛樂用船隻指令 94/25/EC
Equipment Pressure 壓力容器 2014/68/EU
有毒化學物質CE指令:REACH Directive 98/24/EC
RoHS1&2 Directive 2011/65/EU